Add raytracer blog post

1 job for master in 17 seconds (queued for 3 seconds)
Name Stage Failure
pages Deploy There is an unknown failure, please try again
WARN 2019/04/04 02:57:43 Translation func for language en not found, use default.
WARN 2019/04/04 02:57:43 i18n not initialized, check that you have language file (in i18n) that matches the site language or the default language.
ERROR 2019/04/04 02:57:43 Failed to add template "theme/partials/social.html" in path "/builds/sadmansk/website/themes/hugo-goa/layouts/partials/social.html": template: theme/partials/social.html:47: unexpected EOF
ERROR 2019/04/04 02:57:43 theme/partials/social.html : template: theme/partials/social.html:47: unexpected EOF
Started building sites ...
INFO 2019/04/04 02:57:43 found taxonomies: map[string]string{"tag":"tags", "category":"categories"}
WARN 2019/04/04 02:57:43 [en] Unable to locate layout for "taxonomyTerm": [taxonomy/category.terms.html.html taxonomy/category.terms.html _default/terms.html.html _default/terms.html indexes/indexes.html.html indexes/indexes.html theme/taxonomy/category.terms.html.html theme/taxonomy/category.terms.html theme/_default/terms.html.html theme/_default/terms.html theme/indexes/indexes.html.html theme/indexes/indexes.html]
ERROR 2019/04/04 02:57:43 Error while rendering "home": template: theme/index.html:7:3: executing "theme/index.html" at <partial "social.html...>: error calling partial: template: "theme/partials/social.html" is an incomplete or empty template
ERROR: Job failed: exit code 1